Saturday, August 30, 2008

Quayle 2.0

John McCain has got to be kidding me. By choosing a relatively unknown VP running mate and definitely a candidate very short on experience, I'd give him negative points for his choice of Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin.

This choice smacks of picking a candidate solely to appear to certain voters segments and not as an adviser to the president. (By the way, to anyone who says the VP isn't important and is virtually powerless, let me remind you a guy named Dick Cheney.) Frankly, I'm offended the McCain campaign thinks it can win over conservative Democrat women who pulled for Hillary Clinton simply by picking a woman.

More troubling is that one of the main arguments McCain and others have used against Obama is his short experience--that he is untested and not fit to run the United States. Palin is beyond short on experience. She has been governor for approximately 20 months in one of the most backwards states of the union.

I've been saying this for a long time, but at 72-years-old, McCain's age worries me. He is one more temper-tantrum away from a heart attack and if he's elected, the former small-town beauty queen will be the President of the United States. In my opinion, this is a huge reason not to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket.

In the photo above, Palin does her best Katie Couric impersonation seated on a grizzly sofa.
(Photo by Stephen Nowers/Anchorage Daily News/MCT)

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