From 1993 to 2004, I had the distinct pleasure of seeing this quartet over 140 times in places throughout the Northern Hemisphere – from Washington State to across the pond for a European tour in ’97. I lived and breathed Phish when they were on tour. I knew all the songs, all the words and all the jams. I knew all the inside jokes between the band and its audience. I was clued to Internet after shows to read the setlists. I knew what to expect and what not to expect.
I also knew how work the scene. I knew the shortcuts to the parking lots. I knew how to get good seats. I knew how to score a room at the close hotels. This list goes on…

Back in 1998, my idea of a vacation was sharing a dingy hotel room with a dozen friends at the Hampton Inn in the middle of November for two shows at Hampton. I spent vacations freezing my rear off in places like Boston and Worcester, Mass. waiting for friends to meet other friends. Now, my idea of a vacation is a tropical beach with my beautiful wife, day trips through rainforests, surfing lessons, etc.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, “I’ve done that.”
Don’t get me wrong, I still love Phish. I love Phish music – it’s my favorite and I’m pretty sure it always will be. I love reliving shows that I’ve seen when I listen to a live show recording.
But on the other hand, I don’t miss the wasted kidz on tour, the Phishier-than-thou tourhead who demands their space in your seat, the clapping fratboy and puking teenager at his ‘first show.’ Yes, there are many, many more good people at Phish shows than bad. Unfortunately, I have a hard time tuning out the bad.
I also have reached a point in my life where I’m not very excited to applaud and pay money to a group of guys that I don’t really respect how they’ve lived their lives. The heavy drug use is well documented. The failed marriages, the ‘open’ marriages, the infidelity, the drunkenness, the arrests, the arrogance, etc. Call me a goody-goody if you like, but I’m trying to think of anyone I know besides a rock star who can call themselves successful in life and who has the reputation of some members of Phish (note: Mike Gordon seems to have been the straightest of the four despite his oddities and I really have no problems with him that I’m aware of).

So, I won’t go so far as to say “I won’t” see or do this or that, but I won’t be reliving my 20s on the lot or at some abandoned air force base.
Who knows? I must just go to Hampton anyway. I placed my ticket request on Thursday.
Here’s to a 3, 4 or 5-night run at Deer Creek this summer!!!
* I’ve always hated the use of “PH” for “F” but I had to do it.
I am not a starstruck fan, but except for one instance in which Bruce had a fling with Patti while still married, the Boss is one of those who never does anything off the wayward. I don't even think Bruce dopes -- the guy has too much fun and natural energy onstage to be on anything. I know Bruce likes the beer, but so do all of us. You just can't find a scrap of bad rock star living about this dude, and it's not the P.R., handlers or A&R guy trying to keep bad press away.
I think you have summed up well the feelings I have too, it has a lot to do with moving on...time marches forward and I think that sleeping on the floor of a stinky hotel room with eight other people, is just not as appealing in my (ho-hum) mid-thirties.
Here's to Phish doing a PHATTY Midwest run and us creating more great (albeit lamer) memories!
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