Thursday, April 10, 2008


Yesterday I attended a luncheon on social media optimization and similar strategies. It's amazing what's out there for communications professionals like myself, but its even more amazing to me that people do all this STUFF just for fun. These people are typically younger (from teens to mid-20s) or work in the tech field. Like this annoying, but kinda funny gal.

But it's a wonder to me how they get anything done besides update their myspace page, chat within facebook, podcast thy selves, twitter their friends, live a second life, text text text text text, make sure their linked in, broadcast themselves, digg on each other, flicker their photos, and oh yeah I forgot - check their email. Like, how does simply attending SXSW constitute as a job?

There's another world out there - log in.


Desiree said...

Is Tasty Blog Snack chick Asian? Because she sure behaves like one, what with the animated animals.

Joe Lotstar said...

she seems pretty Midwestern to me