Friday, April 18, 2008


Apparently there was an 5.2 magnitude earthquake around 5:30 this morning in southern Illinois. The quake could be felt 450 miles away including here in Indy. However, my dog and I slept right through it... undisturbed. Puddy and I are bachelors this weekend as Cupcake Gal is in Tennessee with a gaggle of women preying on the outlet mall and the fried food delicacies of the Smokey Mountains.

When I was thinking of a title for this post I wanted to use Sleep Through the Static by Jack Johnson. If you like his music, I highly recommend his new album - take a listen. I simply love the lyrics as they are partly about supporting peace and criticizing the war in Iraq. The second half of the song seems to ridicule those who ignore the impact environmental stewardship can have on people around the world. I love lyrics like "wool sunglasses" in exchange for the expression "pulling the wool over your eyes." My other favorite line: "Who needs please when we've got guns?"

1 comment:

Desiree said...

I love Jack and I have the record -- I agree the words are lovely, but some of the tunes have yet to grow on me.

He is so hot.